Introducing a new concept, “Le Bon Deal“, where your website is promoted on the show called “Le Zournal” produced by POPTV.
The show is released every Friday at around 17:00 on POPTV’s Facebook page and their YouTube channel.
To encourage customers to visit your website, a coupon code is created on the website to offer a discount to customers. The coupon code will be valid for one week.
The customer gets the coupon code in the “Le Zournal” show. The latter goes on, searches for your website in the search bar, goes on the website and applies the coupon on checkout to obtain a discount.
You can see an example on how it is done in the following video at around 10.05 minutes :
The advertising comes at no cost to you, and we take care of the visuals that will be displayed during the show.
On your end, you will have to create a coupon code valid for one week on your website and provide us the coupon code so that we can advertise same on
If you are interested and would like your business featured in this popular web TV show, please contact us on or you may reach us on +230 698 0020 or +230 686 8991